Saturday, September 27, 2008

Links I Love

I'm not going to lie, I love surfing the web. I love intelligent websites, funny blogs and browsing through things I clearly cannot afford. Below are some of the sites I go to most often.

Disclaimer: So, I have a pretty long blogroll of blogs that I read on the left hand side of my homepage, but these are the blogs that I just keep finding myself going back to time and time again. And by time and time again I mean on a daily basis...ok, hourly...fine, I admit, every 5 minutes. I basically blog stalk there anything wrong with that?

Blog Favorites:
I'm sure there's more, but those are on the top of my Google Reader at the moment. Love. Them.

My go-to sites for "green" info:
My go-to parenting websites:
My indulgences:
Causes I Support:

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