Oh hello, you may remember me as the blogger formerly know as "A Baby? Maybe...".
I don't know if you know this, but several months back, right around the time I found out I was pregnant with soon-to-arrive Zoe, I received a new position at work. A promotion? Well, no that's being a little generous. It was more like:
"Dear B,
We're going to give you the job formerly done by multiple people and ask you to fix all the major problems and inconsistencies in by managing two major corporate-wide programs that set our multi-million dollar, international tech company up for huge lawsuits...all by yourself. Congratulations and good luck...
PS. You're really not going to receive any training for this.
PPS. You're not going to make that much more money either.
PPPS. Be careful for the individual liability states, because there, people can just sue you personally instead of us.
xoxo - Work"
So, that's about the time I dropped off the face of the (blog and regular) earth. Through my pregnancy I worked like a dog, traveled almost every month away from my family, routinely worked 60+ hours per week. I lamely attempted blog posts here and there but...it was the first to go in order of importance. Every night that I was online, I was working...and that was pretty much every single night after Lucy went to bed.
BUT, I'm happy to announce that as of today I'm OFFICIALLY ON MATERNITY LEAVE. You have no idea how good that feels. I feel like I've just been barely keeping my head above water the past couple months. Trying to continue some semblance of a normal life with the demands of working motherhood, working pregnant motherhood...er working like a madwoman, being a mother to an extremely bright 1 year old (I'm not kidding, the kid is a genius, which in turn makes her too smart for her own good, and for my own good) and being pregnant, and sick, all the time - yes, it was too fun for words I tell you!
But now, I'm free. Free, free FREE for THREE glorious months. How do I celebrate my first day? Well, we woke up late, (as Lucy regularly sleeps until 8:00 am), ate cinnamon rolls, read a good book until noon while Lucy played, Lucy went down for a nap and I actually just washed and blow dried my hair for the first time in months (the blow-drying part, not the washing... I'm not that gross). Amazing. I feel like a new person. I look like a new person. I'm 38 weeks pregnant and feel better than I have in months, in a matter of one day. It's incredible. So now here I am, hoping to catch up on the writing that was something I enjoyed pre-new job (that and hair-blowdrying apparently).
In these catch-up posts I'll be sharing some of of the past couple months of photos while I've been incommunicado, here are out Fall Family Photo Shoot (photo credit to my awesome coworker Jennifer Komp Photography, Portland).
Welcome back! Such cute pictures! Enjoy those 3 months, they will fly I am sure! Best wishes with baby number 2 also! :o)
I know I've said it several times but.....what a BEAUTIFUL family you have!!!! Lucy is so adorable & I completely understand the "too smart for their own good" My 3 1/2 year old boy truly keeps me on my toes!
Enjoy your maternity leave & good labor vibes to you :)
Congratulations on maternity leave, and more importantly congratulations for making it through these grueling few months!!! You should feel so proud! Amazing what a nice long shower and good blow dry will do for your ego! :) Enjoy!!! :)
That's soo exciting that you get to take break finally!! Can't believe your almost due! I love the family pics!!
I can't believe you have been working that much while being pregnant! You must be exhausted! Hope you enjoy your time off!! Love the pictures.
~Romantic Savy
Hope to have you follow along!
You've been missed! Welcome back.enjoy your mat leave!!
Oh yay for some well needed "you" time! Welcome back, you were missed! Lucy looks sooooooo adorable, you look great at 38 weeks (again) and I'm so excited that Zoe will soon get to meet you, her daddy and her big sister =)
Glad to have you back!! You look amazing, and Lucy has gotten so big.
Sorry work has been so rough on you, but congrats on maternity leave! Enjoy these three months!
I'm so glad you're back, Bev! Your new job sounds wild... glad you have some time off for the moment!
Lucy is a real little girl now, no more baby with that one! What a cutie she is.
I can't wait to see Zoe when she arrives. You have such a lovely family, and I'm sure she'll be a great addition. :)
Take care, best wishes for a good birth, and I don't even need to tell you this, but enjoy your awesome time off! Go you!
[btw, just a sidenote, but you meant Lucy is 2, right? I think you mistakendly wrote "1" in this post. Sorry if someone else mentioned this, I didn't have a chance to read the prior comments.:)]
It is just so wrong that Americans only get 3 months of maternity leave... I'm sure you'll enjoy it to the max though :)
Welcome back, Mama! Sounds like you've definitely earned your time off!
Of course, you come back with the most adorable pictures on the face of the earth too! Love them!!!
Welcome back! I was actually thinking about you the other day - glad that you are now able to take a break and enjoy your family. Great pics!
Welcome back! Great pictures! :) Enjoy your time!
Glad your back! So sorry about the long hours. Hopefully when you go back, things will have settled down?
And I hear ya on not blow drying your hair. I maybe dried mine five times last year? Sometimes you just have to cut something.
Welcome back! I actually checked your blog recently to make sure I didn't miss anything. Lucy is as adorable as ever...Cant't wait to see Zoe!
Welcome back.
Welcome back.
So excited to hear from you again! Enjoy your leave and your calm before the storm. wishing you all the best.
So good to see you posting again! Enjoy this time with your family!
Love the pics! Okay, I might have pregnancy brain, but Isn't Lucy 2???? I could have sworn she was born shortly after my son (Nov 08). Enjoy your mat leave!!!
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