Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Courtesy of the T-TTC Nesties...

Someone posted a poll on the nest's Trouble Trying To Conceive Board and all of these hit home like you wouldn't believe. This is a very long post but each and every response on here is just a fraction of what we feel/go through every single day dealing with infertility. Here are their responses:

You Might Be Infertile If...'ll do anything to fight the urge to sneeze because you're afraid your ovaries might explode.'re having hot flashes before you're 30.

...the word "relax" actually makes you more tense.

...your crotch has seen more action from an RE [reproductive endocrinologist] than your DH [dear husband].'re afraid to go "number two" after an IUI [Intrauterine Insemination] for fear of pushing out the spermies.

...when you go to the obgyn you don't have to use the calendar when they ask you the date of your last period.

... you shave your legs for your RE appts but not for your DH.

... you know the pharmacists by name.

... you can't plan anything in advance because it might be CD3.

... you take more medications than your parent or grandparents.

... the thought of the holidays makes you nauseous for fear of inevitable questions and yet another pg announcement.

... it's "if" this or that works and not "when" it will work.

... you refuse to paint the future nursery for fear of jinxing yourself.

... you cried on Halloween seeing all those adorable costumes on the little one's and their pg mothers.

...your DH has seen ultrasounds of your uterus and ovaries. (Is it bad that he thought the ultrasound wand looked like a giant joystick?!?!?!). know what ovary likes to ovulate better than your RE and the nurse that does your u/s every month. have more drugs than a heroine addict. have lengthy discussions about the status of your cervical mucus. are frequently violated with a huge plastic wand -- by your nurse.

... you speak to your RE in T-TTC acronyms.

...your husband doesn't think it's weird when you stand on your head after sex because who knows -- this might just be the ONE time you could get pregnant without the help of a team of specialists.

...KY is banned in your household as it kills sperm. have forgotten what spontaneity is.

...your husband is tired of masturbating in clinics and complains about friction burns from having to do it too often (bad, I know!). actually get excited over shots.

...when someone says what day is it to day and you start to answer CD [cycle day] whatever and have to catch yourself. DH knows more about the your monthly cycle than your primary care Dr.

...everytime you go to the bathroom you check CM [cervical mucus]. live you life 2 weeks at a time. met your insurance deductible for the your first month of testing with the RE.

...when you'd rather have an internal u/s RATHER than have bloodwork done.

... if you remember special events by what day of your cycle they fell on!

...when you see the letters IF, you think "infertility" and not "if".

...if you have forgotten a CD is also an actual object containing music, or a type of investment, and not just a date.

...if you walk around work grabbing your boobs like it's no big deal and the guy in your department starts winking at you.

"The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."
-Thomas Paine


Anonymous said...

This really hit home- made me realize how much my life has changed over the past year... i copied them and put them on my post- i hope that is ok with you... I just thought it would help some of my non TTTC readers understand a little bit more!

Angie said...

this totally hits makes me sad :( i copied and pasted into my blog also, i hope you don't mind.

kate said...

"... you refuse to paint the future nursery for fear of jinxing yourself."

I think I just blogged about this the other day! We moved into our house a year ago, and our current office will eventually be a nursery (with any luck *knocks on wood*). As of yet, it is the last room in our house to be decorated because, you know, why fix it up beautifully as an office if (again, HOPEFULLY) soon it will be a nursery!
Interesting list...

Me said...

I thought this was funny too.

BTW - Thanks for the link to your Blog. I added you to Google Reader and will catch up on your blog later this week.

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