Baby M's latest photo shoot at the NT Scan (and I have to point out that is TOTALLY my profile!!) looking good baby, looking good!

Funny story about today. We went to my Aunt and Uncle's house for a family BBQ and it was the first time them seeing us since we announced we were pregnant. Here is how it went with my aunt:
Auntie J: "Hello!!!" ::immediately rubs stomach:: Nooo! The horror!
Me: :: gently removes hand from belly:: "Hi Auntie J, how are you?"
Auntie J: "My goodness, is it twins? It looks like it is twins!" ::hand to belly again::
Me: "No, no. Quite sure it isn't twins." ::covers stomach with massive purse::
Auntie J: "Are you sure? It looks like it!" ::attempts to navigate around purse::
Ok, so I may look a little big for 14 weeks, but SERIOUSLY I am not THAT big! I guess I better get used to it...and the damn belly rubs! Get off of my BELLAH!!!
"The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together."
-Erma Bombeck
cute belly pictures. I really don't know what you are suppose to look like at 14wks but I think you look adorable.
you look gorgeous! i am so excited for you! glad you had a nice 4th of july! :0)
You are beautiful!
You are simply BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!
I Love that you moved her hand.. lol I totally wouldn't have the guts!
People are also telling me I'm big for 27 weeks. Whatever. When you're a small, petite person pre-pregnancy, a belly shows up a lot quicker than someone who is much taller or has a bigger build. People don't realize how annoying it is when they say that!
I think you look great!
You look great!
How could "Baby M" go wrong in the looks department with either of his or her parents. A beautiful wee one to be sure.
Oh you look adorable! Looking very good Baby M! :)
You look absolutely ADORABLE!
I swear, I think the fertility drugs make your belly bigger from the get go. (not that I think you look strangely big or anything, but you know what I mean. Maybe. Being nice, not rude. :) )
I am insanely happy at finally getting to see you with a bump! What a gorgeous preggo you are!
OMG! you look so adorable.
I love the pictures!!! you are a hot mommy! And I was totally 10 times your size @ 14 weeks!!!
Mwah! Talk to you tomorrow.
Bev, you look wonderful...too bad your aunt didn't get the hint about touching your belly!
BTW, Rob's birthday is one day after mine!
I am sorry your belly became a hand magnet but it is awfully cute!
you look amazing. very cute and very adorable. i want to apologize for people for the next few months. for some reason, people seem to lose their minds when they see pregnant people. asking questions like...did you get pregnant on purpose? how much do you weigh? and they seem to believe anyone pregnant is having multiples b/c they heard of someone who had an ultrasound and the doctors missed the other baby...blah, blah. so yes, you'll hear this over, and over again. just chalk it up to stupidity and know that baby M has a great advantage already! (wow, that was long).
Hi Bev! I'm so glad we have the same due date, it's great to keep up-to-date with the things you're going through too! The story of your aunt sounds like my MIL! I love her but lately it's been rough....we saw her on Father's Day, 2 weeks ago, and this last weekend and each time she's asked "so have you felt the baby kick yet" and each time I've replied "no, that won't be until August sometime" SHE DOESN'T LISTEN! 2 weeks ago when they came to help us move, I was sitting down packing some things up and she said to me "are you sure there aren't two babies in there??!?!" because she noticed my big belly and told me that I wouldn't start showing until at least 5-6 months....hi, I LOOK very pregnant and I told her "remember, everyone is different!" I'm so glad you have your cute baby bump too, me too!!!! I keep telling Chad "honey, I LOOK way TOO pregnant for what I really am!" whew, I'm releived :) By the way, that is a FANTASTIC PICTURE of Baby M!!!!!!! I love it!!!!! Our baby wouldn't stay still when we had our 12 week NT scan, so we got a waving "hi" picture with the arm (it's on my myspace page as I don't have a blog yet!) My next appt is the 16th...what about you?!?!? You are SO beautiful pregnant! :)
Gr8 pictures and you are absolutely glowing.
You look great!!! So cute!
You know what you look like? You look like a fairly small woman that's 14 weeks pregnant! Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
So terribly excited for you. Thanks for sharing your pictures and your story with us all!!!
You look beautiful! I was about the same size when I was 14 weeks. I always thought I was huge and "showed" early but secretly I loved it! I looked at it as, people can clearly see that I am pregnant :)
I have been following your story since you posted on the Nest and I want to officially congratulate you! Lots of luck and good health :)
You look great!!! H&H!!
You look absolutely beautiful
i hated people rubbing my belly. if you find some way to make them stop, let me know!
Hi! I'm a friend of Stacia's, who has a link to your blog. Congrats on your pregnancy. So here is my two bits from a mom and an obstetric nurse: you will hear about how big AND how small you are the whole time. You will be carrying both high AND low on the same day. It's both very sweet and surreal how your body becomes public property once you look pregnant. Everybody feels different about it, so come up with your coping plan and have at it :) You look totally adorable, so buy some cute new clothes, enjoy the belly, and it's totally OK to ask people not to touch you. Or as many of us have found, rubbing people's bellies in return gets them to stop.
My husband was adamantly against cutting the cord. He isn't good with the bodily issues...he almost fainted in birthing class when they showed an animation of a woman getting an epidural! But my doctor kept asking me, even after I had said no. Then she asked him in the delivery room, and he said he didn't think so. But when the time came, she held it out to him and encouraged him, and he did it! So in the moment, things change.
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