Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Zoe's Birth Story Part 2...

Time just flies by, doesn't it? Sorry for the delay!

Onto part two...

So, after the nurse announced that she was a reader of my blog (awkward!) we headed on down to one of the delivery rooms so I could get checked. I changed into the oh-so-fashionable hospital gown and chatted to Rob as we waited for the nurse to come back.

When she did she said to me, "You're to happy to be far enough along in labor to be admitted." She must have been joking. I'm sure tons of people get to L&D and aren't screaming in pain like you see in the movies (and like you would have seen my first go round with Luce). 

Wrong! She checked and I was at 6 almost 7 cm. So admitted I was. The contractions were completely manageable for about an hour, until I was checked again. At that time the on-call Doctor (mine was on vacation, again!) recommended that we break my water to get things moving along and asked if I wanted the epidural. Although still totally comfortable with my contractions, I knew what the water breaking meant after watching my contractions on the monitor with Luce skyrocket after they broke my water. So I accepted. The anesthesiologist came shortly after that and I chatted to him as he administered the epidural. In the middle of it I had my first really painful contraction, so I was pretty happy with our timing there!

They broke my water at about 8:30 pm and short after that my best friend Lindsay arrived. I love her. She is an incredibly busy businesswoman and she has made the time to come to the hospital for both of my labors. This time bringing my flip flops, since I forgot them for the shower. She even came when she was flying out for a business trip early the next morning. Love that girl! She stayed with me and kept me company while Rob snoozed on the chair until she had to leave to pack for her trip.

At about 11:00 pm I was checked again and told by the nurse, "Well, you're ready to go!" Do you want this baby to have a March 3rd birthday or March 4th? 

I looked at Rob and he said, "Let's go for 3!" So the nurse bustled away to get the doctor and get ready.  At 11:15 the doctor came in and three pushes later (just note I am a pushing MACHINE) Ms. Zoe Josephine arrived at 11:26 pm March 3rd, 2011! She was beautiful and perfect in every way. As soon as she was born my fears about becoming a family of four disappeared. 

It was just the easiest birth and recovery. In all honestly, I probably could have done without the epi, but it allowed me to relax and and be comfortable, so I don't regret it. Next time (oh yes, there will be a next time) I'm THINIKING of going au natural...don't hold me to it though! 

"You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star." 
- Friedrich Nietzsche


Sarah said...

That sounds like an amazingly easy labor! Good for you! I would be interested in hearing how the transition from one child to two has gone/is going? I would love a second, but it scares me so much that my daughter will be pushed aside for baby #2.

FSD said...

Wow! What an easy labor. I'm jealous. Also jealous that you know there WILL be a next time. I want another baby so badly but my hubby is vehemently opposed to the idea. I've been perpetually sad about his opposition to another child. :(

Congrats on Zoe's safe and easy arrival. She's a doll.

Kelly said...

I did it without drugs and my son was 9lbs! It was uncomfortable for about 45 minutes. You can do it! Believe me- if I can do it- you can too!!!

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